Property Id: 3151074
Price: $ 3,147,000
Property Size: 4,441 ft2
Property Lot Size: 0 ft2
Rooms: 0
Bedrooms: 5
Bathrooms: 4.5
ArchitecturalStyle: Detached,Two Story
BathroomsFull: 4
BathroomsHalf: 1
BathroomsTotalDecimal: 4.5
BridgeModificationTimestamp: 2025-03-03T15:28:52.489Z
BuildingAreaTotal: 5645
BuildingAreaUnits: Square Feet
CommunityFeatures: None
ContractStatusChangeDate: 2024-03-13
Cooling: Ceiling Fan(s),Electric
CoveredSpaces: 2
DaysOnMarket: 354
DirectionFaces: South
Directions: Turn right onto SW 124th St. Go for 0.3 mi.
Then 0.3 miles
turn right onto SW 87th Ave (SR-973). Go for 0.1 mi.
Then 0.1 miles
Turn right onto SW 122nd St. Go for 210 ft.
Then 0.04 miles
8675 SW 122nd St
Miami, FL 33156-5125
DoorFeatures: High Impact Doors
EntryLocation: Foyer
Fencing: Fenced
Flooring: Tile
GarageSpaces: 2
Heating: Central,Electric
IDXParticipationYN: 1
InternetAddressDisplayYN: 1
InternetAutomatedValuationDisplayYN: 1
InternetConsumerCommentYN: 1
InternetEntireListingDisplayYN: 1
LaundryFeatures: Utility Room/Laundry
ListAOR: A-Miami Association of REALTORS
ListAgentDirectPhone: 305-491-6862
ListAgentFullName: Otto Gonzalez
ListAgentKey: 6e6f857c08ecaff79d6baaaca77453e0
ListAgentMlsId: 3225443
ListAgentOfficePhone: 305-598-5488
ListAgentStateLicense: 3225443
ListOfficeFax: 305-328-9290
ListOfficeKey: efa8a48c87fb65569f5a6ed554670fb7
ListOfficeMlsId: FROM01
ListOfficeName: Florida Realty of Miami Corp
ListOfficePhone: 305-598-5488
ListingAgreement: Exclusive Agency
ListingContractDate: 2024-03-13
ListingId: A11549132
ListingKeyNumeric: 393104712
ListingTerms: All Cash,Conventional
LivingAreaUnits: Square Feet
LotFeatures: 1/4 To Less Than 1/2 Acre Lot
LotSizeSquareFeet: 20909
LotSizeUnits: Square Feet
MIAMIRE_AdjustedAreaSF: 4788
MIAMIRE_LPAmtSqFt: 708.6242
MIAMIRE_PetsAllowedYN: 1
MIAMIRE_PoolDimensions: 15x30
MIAMIRE_RATIO_CurrentPrice_By_SQFT: 708.62
MIAMIRE_Style: Pool Only
MIAMIRE_SubdivisionInformation: No Subdiv/Park Info
MIAMIRE_TypeofAssociation: None