Property Id: 3247746
Price: $ 24,900,000
Property Size: 3,605 ft2
Property Lot Size: 0 ft2
Rooms: 0
Bedrooms: 4
Bathrooms: 4
ArchitecturalStyle: Attached,Two Story
BathroomsFull: 4
BathroomsHalf: 0
BathroomsTotalDecimal: 4
BridgeModificationTimestamp: 2025-03-25T15:27:20.412Z
BuildingAreaSource: Appraisal
BuildingAreaTotal: 3605
BuildingAreaUnits: Square Feet
BuildingName: BISCAYNE ISL
CommunityFeatures: Additional Amenities
ConstructionMaterials: Stucco
ContractStatusChangeDate: 2025-03-24
Cooling: Central Air
CoveredSpaces: 2
DaysOnMarket: 1
DirectionFaces: North
Electric: Circuit Breakers
EntryLocation: Foyer
Fencing: Fenced
Flooring: Marble,Tile
FrontageLength: 175
FrontageType: Bay
GarageSpaces: 2
Heating: Central
IDXParticipationYN: 1
Inclusions: Deeded Dock,Dock Available, Dock Available,Up to 100 Ft Boat,Up to 30 Ft Boat,UP to 40 Ft Boat,Up to 50 Ft Boat,Up to 60 Ft Boat,Up to 70 Ft Boat,Up to 80 Ft Boat,Up to 90 Ft Boat
InternetAddressDisplayYN: 1
InternetEntireListingDisplayYN: 1
LaundryFeatures: In Garage,Washer/Dryer Hook-Up
ListAOR: A-Miami Association of REALTORS
ListAgentDirectPhone: 617-756-6959
ListAgentFullName: Michael Kuritnik
ListAgentKey: f32237eccf135cb557dde839e3f445d9
ListAgentMlsId: 3488510
ListAgentOfficePhone: 617-756-6959
ListAgentStateLicense: 3488510
ListOfficeKey: 3555a66dbf097729124292c2105b73b8
ListOfficeMlsId: AXNA01
ListOfficeName: Axon Advisors
ListOfficePhone: 617-756-6959
ListingAgreement: Exclusive Agency
ListingContractDate: 2025-03-24
ListingId: A11769912
ListingKeyNumeric: 409036705
ListingTerms: All Cash,Conventional
LivingAreaUnits: Square Feet
LotFeatures: 1/2 To Less Than 3/4 Acre Lot
LotSizeSquareFeet: 27250
LotSizeUnits: Square Feet
MIAMIRE_AdjustedAreaSF: 3605
MIAMIRE_LPAmtSqFt: 6907.0735
MIAMIRE_PoolDimensions: 15x45
MIAMIRE_RATIO_CurrentPrice_By_SQFT: 6907.07
MIAMIRE_Style: WF/Pool/Ocean Access
MIAMIRE_SubdivisionInformation: Additional Amenities
MIAMIRE_TypeofAssociation: None